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Friday, January 21, 2011

First day..lame.

Now we return from winter break.  I struggle to call in winter since it only snowed once.  But it was nice as far as college breaks can be to a 34 year old.  This returning to school phase has me feeling like a child and not in a good way.  At least this semester I have some interesting classes.  One of my classes is in temp building which I gotta say is nicer than the other regular class room, albeit a little harder to locate. They're brightly lit and have new carpet and new desks which makes us adults feel a little better about this. So here we go again.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Open Letter to the "American Dream"

Dear American dream,
       Where have you been?We've missed you.  New house speaker Boehner cries at the mere mention of your name. Seriously look it up. Youtube it mofo. Each and every time that cameras are running and he says the term "American Dream" he loses his shit. It's kinda funny if not completely insulting.  I wonder did the American Dream and Mr Boehner have some previous relationship we don't know about.  Did America cheat on John? Did they have some torrid love affair that has lead poor Rep Boehner to tear up whenever he thinks about that "one summer" he and America spent France.